Via dei Finanzieri, Sperone di S.Anna
NOME DI VIA: “Via dei finanzieri” (G. Bonat-A. Partel, 12-13-14/10/1972)
SVILUPPO: 200 m. dalla cengia, dopo lo zoccolo.
MATERIALE: Portare una serie di nuts e friends (misure anche grandi) e alcuni chiodi. Utile una staffa per il capocordata.
CORDATA: Filippo Nardi-Silvio Valzelli
COMMENTO: Via di elevato impegno, con lunghi tratti in artificiale, attrezzati in modo sufficiente. Non abbondante. Arrampicata forse ormai fuori moda, ma interessante se si desidera, magari per un giorno, fare un salto nel passato e usare un po’ le staffe. Belli i diedri/fessure della parte alta.
AVVICINAMENTO: Dal rif. Treviso, si segue il sentiero 707 che conduce al Canali, sino a raggiungere la base dello sperone ovest della Torre di S. Anna, ben visibile dal basso. Si lascia il sentiero percorso sino a quel punto e e ci si porta verso dx, all’inizio di un evidente canalone posto subito a dx dello sperone stesso. Circa o.30 h. Si prosegue nel canalone (II e un passo di VI) sino ad una zona erbosa. Traversare verso il limite sx della banconata e salire per circa 150 m.lungo lo zoccolo (III e IV) per giungere presso una cengia erbosa sotto alla parete giallastra. Traversare a sx con facilità per circa 50 m. sino ad una nicchia sulla dx di un masso appoggiato alla parete ( 2 chiodi).
DISCESA: Dalla cima proseguire per la cresta sino abbassarsi sul versante n/e. Scendere seguendo il bordo di un canalone detritico, per gradoni, erba e ghiaie, sino alla base della parete. Per pendii erbosi, a tratti ripidi, raggiungere il sentiero del Canali e per esso al rif. Treviso. Circa 2 h.
Tips to Order Papers From Writers
If you’re short on time, purchasing a piece of writing through a service may be the best option. The top writing service providers offer a simple way for you to have your piece completed. All you have to do is fill out the order form pick a subject area for the writer and pay. Some offer essay writer special discounts for new customers and for large orders. Some will allow as many as three revisions of your paper for no extra charge. These tips will help you choose the right writing service.
Tips to Order Papers From Writers
If you’re short on time, purchasing a piece of writing through a service may be the best option. The top writing service providers offer a simple way for you to have your piece completed. All you have to do is fill out the order form pick a subject area for the writer and pay. Some offer essay writer special discounts for new customers and for large orders. Some will allow as many as three revisions of your paper for no extra charge. These tips will help you choose the right writing service.
Tips to Order Papers From Writers
If you’re short on time, purchasing a piece of writing through a service may be the best option. The top writing service providers offer a simple way for you to have your piece completed. All you have to do is fill out the order form pick a subject area for the writer and pay. Some offer essay writer special discounts for new customers and for large orders. Some will allow as many as three revisions of your paper for no extra charge. These tips will help you choose the right writing service.
Tips to Order Papers From Writers
If you’re short on time, purchasing a piece of writing through a service may be the best option. The top writing service providers offer a simple way for you to have your piece completed. All you have to do is fill out the order form pick a subject area for the writer and pay. Some offer essay writer special discounts for new customers and for large orders. Some will allow as many as three revisions of your paper for no extra charge. These tips will help you choose the right writing service.
Tips to Order Papers From Writers
If you’re short on time, purchasing a piece of writing through a service may be the best option. The top writing service providers offer a simple way for you to have your piece completed. All you have to do is fill out the order form pick a subject area for the writer and pay. Some offer essay writer special discounts for new customers and for large orders. Some will allow as many as three revisions of your paper for no extra charge. These tips will help you choose the right writing service.
Tips to Order Papers From Writers
If you’re short on time, purchasing a piece of writing through a service may be the best option. The top writing service providers offer a simple way for you to have your piece completed. All you have to do is fill out the order form pick a subject area for the writer and pay. Some offer essay writer special discounts for new customers and for large orders. Some will allow as many as three revisions of your paper for no extra charge. These tips will help you choose the right writing service.