Via Emozioni Verticali, Presolana Occidentale
NOME DELLA VIA: “Emozioni verticali” (T.Quecchia-C.Stefani-D.Ballerini-F.Culazzu, 1995)
DIFFICOLTA’: 7a (6b/A1 obbl.)
SVILUPPO: 550 metri
MATERIALE: Una serie di friends Camelot sino al 3, una di friends, un cliff ed una staffa. Chiodi solo per sicurezza (da noi non utilizzati)
CORDATA: Filippo Nardi – Beppe Lupezza
COMMENTO: Via alpinistica molto impegnativa, con alcuni tratti in placca decisamente psicologici, per i passi aleatori da compiersi su cliff, non sempre affidabili. Le maggiori difficoltà sono concentrate nella parte centrale, dove la roccia è molto bella, compatta, a buchi di varie dimensioni e le protezioni sono a spit e chiodi, talvolta piuttosto lontani. La prima e l’ultima parte risultano discontinue e su terreno facile. Fondamentale integrare con protezioni veloci. Occorre un certo allenamento fisico e buona tenuta mentale!
AVVICINAMENTO: Dal rif.Albani, seguire il sentiero per lo spigolo Castiglioni, ma una volta scavalcata la cresta di Cima Verde, abbandonarla e scendere per ripidi prati e ghiaioni sino alla base del maestoso versante nord-ovest. Circa 0.45 h.
DISCESA: 1) A corda doppia lungo lo spigolo Castiglioni 2) Lungo il Cengione Bendotti, come per le altre vie della parete nord
Paper Writer Review
If you’re looking for a paper writer, you’ve come to the correct spot. Paper-Writer is a legitimate website operated by DMCA and TrustArc who ensure that personal data of users will be safe. It also maintains a policy that is transparent and open on social media. It features limited payments options, and prices that’s higher than the norm. But if you’re in a pinch Paper-Writer could be an excellent choice.
Paper Writer Review
If you’re looking for a paper writer, you’ve come to the correct spot. Paper-Writer is a legitimate website operated by DMCA and TrustArc who ensure that personal data of users will be safe. It also maintains a policy that is transparent and open on social media. It features limited payments options, and prices that’s higher than the norm. But if you’re in a pinch Paper-Writer could be an excellent choice.
Paper Writer Review
If you’re looking for a paper writer, you’ve come to the correct spot. Paper-Writer is a legitimate website operated by DMCA and TrustArc who ensure that personal data of users will be safe. It also maintains a policy that is transparent and open on social media. It features limited payments options, and prices that’s higher than the norm. But if you’re in a pinch Paper-Writer could be an excellent choice.
Paper Writer Review
If you’re looking for a paper writer, you’ve come to the correct spot. Paper-Writer is a legitimate website operated by DMCA and TrustArc who ensure that personal data of users will be safe. It also maintains a policy that is transparent and open on social media. It features limited payments options, and prices that’s higher than the norm. But if you’re in a pinch Paper-Writer could be an excellent choice.
Paper Writer Review
If you’re looking for a paper writer, you’ve come to the correct spot. Paper-Writer is a legitimate website operated by DMCA and TrustArc who ensure that personal data of users will be safe. It also maintains a policy that is transparent and open on social media. It features limited payments options, and prices that’s higher than the norm. But if you’re in a pinch Paper-Writer could be an excellent choice.
Paper Writer Review
If you’re looking for a paper writer, you’ve come to the correct spot. Paper-Writer is a legitimate website operated by DMCA and TrustArc who ensure that personal data of users will be safe. It also maintains a policy that is transparent and open on social media. It features limited payments options, and prices that’s higher than the norm. But if you’re in a pinch Paper-Writer could be an excellent choice.
Paper Writer Review
If you’re looking for a paper writer, you’ve come to the correct spot. Paper-Writer is a legitimate website operated by DMCA and TrustArc who ensure that personal data of users will be safe. It also maintains a policy that is transparent and open on social media. It features limited payments options, and prices that’s higher than the norm. But if you’re in a pinch Paper-Writer could be an excellent choice.
Paper Writer Review
If you’re looking for a paper writer, you’ve come to the correct spot. Paper-Writer is a legitimate website operated by DMCA and TrustArc who ensure that personal data of users will be safe. It also maintains a policy that is transparent and open on social media. It features limited payments options, and prices that’s higher than the norm. But if you’re in a pinch Paper-Writer could be an excellent choice.
Paper Writer Review
If you’re looking for a paper writer, you’ve come to the correct spot. Paper-Writer is a legitimate website operated by DMCA and TrustArc who ensure that personal data of users will be safe. It also maintains a policy that is transparent and open on social media. It features limited payments options, and prices that’s higher than the norm. But if you’re in a pinch Paper-Writer could be an excellent choice.
Paper Writer Review
If you’re looking for a paper writer, you’ve come to the correct spot. Paper-Writer is a legitimate website operated by DMCA and TrustArc who ensure that personal data of users will be safe. It also maintains a policy that is transparent and open on social media. It features limited payments options, and prices that’s higher than the norm. But if you’re in a pinch Paper-Writer could be an excellent choice.