Via Il mago di Oz, Cima De Gasperi
DATA DI SALITA: 12-8-2006
NOME VIA: “Il mago di Oz” (P.Mazzotti-M.Simonetto, 3-4/8/1997)
DIFFICOLTA’: VI/VII-, tratti di A1 e alcuni metri di A3
SVILUPPO: Circa 850 m. in totale (370 m. di zoccolo)
MATERIALE: Una serie di nuts e friends (raddoppiando le misure 1-2-3-Camelot), numerosi chiodi e cordini in kevlar.
CORDATA: Filippo Nardi-Piero Colombo
COMMENTO: Via molto impegnativa, in ambiente piuttosto severo, sale con percorso diretto la parete nord di Cima De Gasperi, lungo una serie di diedri e fessure atletiche. La roccia è in genere buona, salvo brevi tratti friabili nel finale. Pochissimi i chiodi in parete (uno nostro lasciato ad una sosta), per cui è utile portarsene una bella scelta, oltre ad abbondanti nuts e friends per proteggersi adeguatamente. Serve un buon allenamento psico-fisico! Secondo uno degli apritori, la nostra dovrebbe essere stata la prima ripetizione.
AVVICINAMENTO: Dal rif. Tissi (noi abbiamo bivaccato all’inizio dello zoccolo) si scende al Col Rean, per poi risalire il ripido ghiaione che conduce alla base del complicato zoccolo, in comune alla via Andrich-Zancristoforo-Bianchet. Circa 0,40,h.
DISCESA: dalla cima si scende all’intaglio tra le due vette, poi per canalini franosi, sul versante est, si raggiunge velocemente la grande banca detritica che, seguita verso sx (sud-est) conduce al bivacco Tomè (circa 0,30 h.) Da qui si scende per il Giazzer, tenendo poi la sinistra, continuando a scendere per canali, lastronate e gradoni. Si passa sotto un caratteristico portale roccioso, pervenendo presso un altro nevaio, ormai ridotto al minimo. raggiunta la Val dei Cantoni, si segue la traccia ed il sentiero per il rif. Vazzoler. Circa 3,30/3,40 h.
Many students who have trouble with their homework turn to writing services. Though they might be the top achievers in their class, even they struggle with their homework. There are several reasons why this can be a wise decision. Read on to discover the essay writing advantages of using an essay-writing service. Listed below are some tips that can help you find the best one for your needs. These are the three best options to choose a custom-written essay:
Do not rush to write essays. It’s crucial to follow the professor’s instructions, plan your time well within the deadline, and create an outline before you begin. It’s also important to follow good structure, which means writing an essay in three parts. Using a professional writer’s services can give you a high-quality paper that will be able to pass the grade your professor demands. They will also follow proper grammar rules and provide a well-structured essay.
An essay writer service is a great option if you are short on time but need your essay done quickly. Experts in over 60 disciplines are available to provide the highest-quality expert help. They will deliver your essay promptly and at an affordable price. There are many advantages to hiring an essay writing service, so consider the following factors before you make your decision. It is important to check if you are allowed to hire an essay writer.
Many students who have trouble with their homework turn to writing services. Though they might be the top achievers in their class, even they struggle with their homework. There are several reasons why this can be a wise decision. Read on to discover the essay writing advantages of using an essay-writing service. Listed below are some tips that can help you find the best one for your needs. These are the three best options to choose a custom-written essay:
Do not rush to write essays. It’s crucial to follow the professor’s instructions, plan your time well within the deadline, and create an outline before you begin. It’s also important to follow good structure, which means writing an essay in three parts. Using a professional writer’s services can give you a high-quality paper that will be able to pass the grade your professor demands. They will also follow proper grammar rules and provide a well-structured essay.
An essay writer service is a great option if you are short on time but need your essay done quickly. Experts in over 60 disciplines are available to provide the highest-quality expert help. They will deliver your essay promptly and at an affordable price. There are many advantages to hiring an essay writing service, so consider the following factors before you make your decision. It is important to check if you are allowed to hire an essay writer.
Many students who have trouble with their homework turn to writing services. Though they might be the top achievers in their class, even they struggle with their homework. There are several reasons why this can be a wise decision. Read on to discover the essay writing advantages of using an essay-writing service. Listed below are some tips that can help you find the best one for your needs. These are the three best options to choose a custom-written essay:
Do not rush to write essays. It’s crucial to follow the professor’s instructions, plan your time well within the deadline, and create an outline before you begin. It’s also important to follow good structure, which means writing an essay in three parts. Using a professional writer’s services can give you a high-quality paper that will be able to pass the grade your professor demands. They will also follow proper grammar rules and provide a well-structured essay.
An essay writer service is a great option if you are short on time but need your essay done quickly. Experts in over 60 disciplines are available to provide the highest-quality expert help. They will deliver your essay promptly and at an affordable price. There are many advantages to hiring an essay writing service, so consider the following factors before you make your decision. It is important to check if you are allowed to hire an essay writer.
Many students who have trouble with their homework turn to writing services. Though they might be the top achievers in their class, even they struggle with their homework. There are several reasons why this can be a wise decision. Read on to discover the essay writing advantages of using an essay-writing service. Listed below are some tips that can help you find the best one for your needs. These are the three best options to choose a custom-written essay:
Do not rush to write essays. It’s crucial to follow the professor’s instructions, plan your time well within the deadline, and create an outline before you begin. It’s also important to follow good structure, which means writing an essay in three parts. Using a professional writer’s services can give you a high-quality paper that will be able to pass the grade your professor demands. They will also follow proper grammar rules and provide a well-structured essay.
An essay writer service is a great option if you are short on time but need your essay done quickly. Experts in over 60 disciplines are available to provide the highest-quality expert help. They will deliver your essay promptly and at an affordable price. There are many advantages to hiring an essay writing service, so consider the following factors before you make your decision. It is important to check if you are allowed to hire an essay writer.