Via Soldà, Campanile Wessely
DATA SALITA: 2-8-2007
NOME VIA: “Via Soldà” (G.Soldà-F.Bertoldi, 13-14/7/1936) con variante d’uscita Rabanser-Comploi
DIFFICOLTA’: VI/ passi di VI+
SVILUPPO: 450 m. circa
MATERIALE: Portare una serie di nuts, una di friends, alcuni chiodi e parecchi cordini in kevlar.
CORDATA: Filippo Nardi-Beppe Prati
COMMENTO: Una grande via! Basterebbe questo a sintetizzare il valore di questa salita, pochissimo ripetuta ed ingiustamente temuta. Certo, per salirla occorre una salda esperienza alpinistica, ma se ben preparati, alla fine si può godere di una bellissima avventura, senza patemi eccessivi! La parte inferiore presenta roccia discreta, a tratti delicata e chiodatura pressochè assente, con due punti in cui non è facile individuare il giusto percorso. Quella alta invece (variante Rabanser-Comploi), è molto lineare ed estetica, quasi tutta all’interno di un diedrone-colatoio, su roccia buona, ma sempre pochissimo chiodata. Ci si protegge però bene con nuts e friends. Il punto chiave, rappresentato da un’impegnativa placca da supersi dapprima in leggero traverso a dx, poi in verticale, è ben protetto da due chiodi solidi ( uno con cordino giallo). Sicuramente una delle salite del Sassolungo, da valorizzre!
AVVICINAMENTO: Noi siamo partiti dal rif. Vicenza. Si risale, faticosamente, il grande conoide di ghiaie sottostante la parete e, giunti sotto la sua verticale, si abbandona la morena, risalendo uno zoccolo di roccette sino alla base del settore dx della parete. Si attacca presso una fessura (visibile un chiodo, alcuni metri in alto). Circa 1 h.
DISCESA: Dalla forcella tra anticima e vetta, si salgono roccette e pendii di sfaciumi in direzione della cima vera e propria ( passi di II e III-), raggiungendola in breve. Si percorre la cresta in direzione est sino ad una calata in doppia su due chiodi (da noi attrezzata). Ci si cala nel canalone sottostante raggiungendo velocemente la f.lla Alta. Si scende per il canalone Alto, attraversando l’Anfiteatro e congiungendosi con la normale dal Sassolungo. Per essa si torna al rif. Demetz. Circa 2,30 h.
Whether you are looking for writing help for school or just for yourself, you can find it at Writing Help Central. Writing Help Central was founded almost a decade ago. From the start, this site has been designed to be the one-stop, practical writing help resource for all kinds of writing, from school projects to creative writing, scholarly writing, blogging, and more.
Now it is even easier to seek out and use professional writing help from the personal computer. Whether you are in need of editing or proofreading or even rewriting your creative writing essays, the site can do it all. The site also offers academic writing tutoring. Writing Help Central offers professional academic writing services, including editing assignments, preparing final papers, dissertations, writing term paper, writing thesis or dissertations, and writing journal articles. The service provides articles, research papers and dissertations from publishers and other professional organizations. Users can choose to work with one editor or several editors for assignment assistance. For guidance in editing an assignment, users can either enlist the help of a professional editor or use a variety of different methods such as spell check, re-writing the paper by hand, using a paper search tool, and more. Users can get help choosing a topic, title, and introduction to writing an assignment as well as details about how to properly structure and organize a paper.
Whether you are looking for writing help for school or just for yourself, you can find it at Writing Help Central. Writing Help Central was founded almost a decade ago. From the start, this site has been designed to be the one-stop, practical writing help resource for all kinds of writing, from school projects to creative writing, scholarly writing, blogging, and more.
Now it is even easier to seek out and use professional writing help from the personal computer. Whether you are in need of editing or proofreading or even rewriting your creative writing essays, the site can do it all. The site also offers academic writing tutoring. Writing Help Central offers professional academic writing services, including editing assignments, preparing final papers, dissertations, writing term paper, writing thesis or dissertations, and writing journal articles. The service provides articles, research papers and dissertations from publishers and other professional organizations. Users can choose to work with one editor or several editors for assignment assistance. For guidance in editing an assignment, users can either enlist the help of a professional editor or use a variety of different methods such as spell check, re-writing the paper by hand, using a paper search tool, and more. Users can get help choosing a topic, title, and introduction to writing an assignment as well as details about how to properly structure and organize a paper.
Whether you are looking for writing help for school or just for yourself, you can find it at Writing Help Central. Writing Help Central was founded almost a decade ago. From the start, this site has been designed to be the one-stop, practical writing help resource for all kinds of writing, from school projects to creative writing, scholarly writing, blogging, and more.
Now it is even easier to seek out and use professional writing help from the personal computer. Whether you are in need of editing or proofreading or even rewriting your creative writing essays, the site can do it all. The site also offers academic writing tutoring. Writing Help Central offers professional academic writing services, including editing assignments, preparing final papers, dissertations, writing term paper, writing thesis or dissertations, and writing journal articles. The service provides articles, research papers and dissertations from publishers and other professional organizations. Users can choose to work with one editor or several editors for assignment assistance. For guidance in editing an assignment, users can either enlist the help of a professional editor or use a variety of different methods such as spell check, re-writing the paper by hand, using a paper search tool, and more. Users can get help choosing a topic, title, and introduction to writing an assignment as well as details about how to properly structure and organize a paper.
Whether you are looking for writing help for school or just for yourself, you can find it at Writing Help Central. Writing Help Central was founded almost a decade ago. From the start, this site has been designed to be the one-stop, practical writing help resource for all kinds of writing, from school projects to creative writing, scholarly writing, blogging, and more.
Now it is even easier to seek out and use professional writing help from the personal computer. Whether you are in need of editing or proofreading or even rewriting your creative writing essays, the site can do it all. The site also offers academic writing tutoring. Writing Help Central offers professional academic writing services, including editing assignments, preparing final papers, dissertations, writing term paper, writing thesis or dissertations, and writing journal articles. The service provides articles, research papers and dissertations from publishers and other professional organizations. Users can choose to work with one editor or several editors for assignment assistance. For guidance in editing an assignment, users can either enlist the help of a professional editor or use a variety of different methods such as spell check, re-writing the paper by hand, using a paper search tool, and more. Users can get help choosing a topic, title, and introduction to writing an assignment as well as details about how to properly structure and organize a paper.