
vie d'arrampicata

Via Calabretto-Verri, Scalet delle Masenade


                                         SCALET  DELLE  MASENADE  M. 2300  PARETE  SUD


DATA DI SALITA: 2-10-2004

NOME VIA: “Calabretto-Verri” (R.Calabretto-P.Verri, 1989)

DIFFICOLTA’: VI/VI+ e un tratto di VII-

SVILUPPO: 360 m.

MATERIALE: In via non ci sono tantissimi chiodi, salvo i punti chiave che risultano ben protetti. Portarsi una serie di friends, nuts assortiti e qualche chiodo per sicurezza.


CORDATA: Filippo Nardi-Beppe Lupezza-Beppe Prati

COMMENTO:  bellisssima salita che percorre una serie di stupende placche, su ottima roccia nera ed articolata, appena a dx della famosa e molto frequentata via Decima. Al tempo della nostra ripetizione, la delicata placca che bisogna attraversare da dx verso sx (tratto chiave), per poi salire nel successivo diedrino strapiombante, presentava due spit, rendendo il difficile passo un po’ meno impegnativo. Ora (2014) pare che siano stati rimossi! Ripetitori avvisati!

AVVICINAMENTO: Si raggiunge la celebre via Decima, o da malga Framont o dal Passo Duran e se ne percorre il primo tiro a dx, fino alla sosta su spit senza piastrina, circa 10 m. a dx del fondo del colatoio (0,30 h.).

DISCESA: Senza difficoltà particolari, si scende verso ovest (tracce ed ometti) attraverso cengette e gradoni vari sino a raggiungere il sottostante sentiero, alla base della parete. Circa 0,40 h.

Six Writing Tips For Fast Paper Writing

The most common obstacle to rapid document writing is distraction. https://privatewriting.net Distraction is the most significant obstacle to fast paper writing. Go to a place that is quiet in a quiet place, like the cafeteria off campus, a library, or the dorm and focus on the task you are doing. It might surprise you the ease with which it’s possible to write once you’ve created a writing routine. Here are seven writing strategies that can make your paper writing a breeze. These suggestions will not increase your paper’s quality.

Six Writing Tips For Fast Paper Writing

The most common obstacle to rapid document writing is distraction. https://privatewriting.net Distraction is the most significant obstacle to fast paper writing. Go to a place that is quiet in a quiet place, like the cafeteria off campus, a library, or the dorm and focus on the task you are doing. It might surprise you the ease with which it’s possible to write once you’ve created a writing routine. Here are seven writing strategies that can make your paper writing a breeze. These suggestions will not increase your paper’s quality.

Six Writing Tips For Fast Paper Writing

The most common obstacle to rapid document writing is distraction. https://privatewriting.net Distraction is the most significant obstacle to fast paper writing. Go to a place that is quiet in a quiet place, like the cafeteria off campus, a library, or the dorm and focus on the task you are doing. It might surprise you the ease with which it’s possible to write once you’ve created a writing routine. Here are seven writing strategies that can make your paper writing a breeze. These suggestions will not increase your paper’s quality.

Six Writing Tips For Fast Paper Writing

The most common obstacle to rapid document writing is distraction. https://privatewriting.net Distraction is the most significant obstacle to fast paper writing. Go to a place that is quiet in a quiet place, like the cafeteria off campus, a library, or the dorm and focus on the task you are doing. It might surprise you the ease with which it’s possible to write once you’ve created a writing routine. Here are seven writing strategies that can make your paper writing a breeze. These suggestions will not increase your paper’s quality.

Written by beppe

July 26th, 2011 at 8:53 pm

Posted in

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